Thursday, August 12, 2010

Most vivid 3 months of my life

I realized that I love writing about my present or recent past and I love visualizing the future but I am not so keen about writing the past. Especially now it doesn’t feel good to write about the past very detailed. So all those amazing stories happened in China are going to be stored in my endless story bank so that when the situation calls for them, they will come out. Friends, make sure to have such situations. ;)

The past months were the most vivid period of my life. It is amazing how much I could taste every single moment. I could feel the power of every thought. The consequence of every decision and action. Like a magnifying glass… every little nice word climbed up on my spine tickling me all the way blooming into a beautiful rose in my mind. Every single tear drop crushed worlds in me to put me on the right track leading towards my dreams.

I learned a lot in the school of life, but Im still far from graduating.

In the last 3 months, I:

  • Changed my life to a dream
  • Left my family and friends at home
  • Travelled around 20.000 Kms
  • Gave up my love
  • Started a business
  • Found a dream-job in Singapore
  • Fall asleep on 20+ beds, sofas, mattresses
  • Volunteered in several projects
  • Got to know more people, made more friends than in the past years

No… I was not bored. What have I learned?

Think… decide… act… ad commit yourself to your decision.

Dream, believe and visualize!

Walk that little extra mile that you don’t want to anymore… It will bring the greatest results.

Impossible exists in our minds. Our greatest limits can be our words and thoughts.

The most difficult is to advice people you love.

By the way, Singapore is a funny place. A high-tech wonder-city where everything is comfortable, everything is FOR the people and everything has its own place.

Singapore is a place where you cannot get chewing gum…

Where the rebellious teenagers smoke and listen to the music on some public stairs instead of burning down a trash bin or trashing down a metro car.

Where “We don’t leave our squash rocket bag’s there because it’s a public area” F*uck…

Where people stand up for the national anthem because they have been asked to do so in the loudspeaker but they don’t sit down after because nobody tells them…

Where you get a beer for 2300 HUF but you can get an Iphone for less than 100.000 HUF.

Where 2 shopping centers are connected by a shopping complex-tunnel. Leaving you any point of this complex you don’t find your way out and most probably you die…

Where residential areas are actually working concept without graffiti, elevators full of pee and vomit and gangs.

Where people are proud, but they know that something is missing…

Where you can go to a wonderful place to have a rest every weekend.

Where the diversity of the people makes you smile.

Where I am going to make my dreams come true.

Finally, I would like to dedicate this short film to my friends and supporters to be thankful, to share experience and to inspire thoughts.

Ship with me on the waves of my dreams on this blog!

Rájöttem valamire. Sokkal jobban szeretek a jelenről, közelmúltról vagy a jövőről írni, mint a múltról. Főleg, mert most a múltról nem esik jól túl részletesen írni. Szóval az a rengeteg Kínai story ami van bennem most elraktározódik szépen, hogy az évek során amikor a szituáció értük kiállt elő tudjanak jönni. Szóval majd tegyetek róla, hogy a szituáció kiáltson! ;)

Az elmúlt időszak volt a legszínesebb eddigi életemben. Hihetetlen mennyire éreztem minden pillantnak az ízét. Minden gondolat erejét. Minden döntés és tett következményét. Mint egy nagyító minden jó szó végigcsiklandozta a hátamat a gerincem mentén, hogy aztán az elmémben rózsaként nyíljon ki. Egy-egy könnycsepp világokat döntött össze bennem, majd ráterelt arra a vágányra amin a gyorsvonat tovább vitt álmaim fele.

Rengeteget tanultam az élet iskolájában, bár messze vagyok még a diplomától.

AZ elmúlt 3 hónapban:

  • Életemet egy álomra cseréltem
  • Otthon hagytam szüleimet, barátaimat
  • Utaztam olyan 20.000 Kilométert
  • Feladtam egy szerelmet
  • Elkezdtem egy vállalkozást
  • Találtam egy álom munkát Singaporeban
  • 20+ ágyon matracon vagy kanapén hajtottam álomra a fejem
  • Önkénteskedtem több projectben is
  • Több embert ismertem meg és barátot szereztem, mint az elmúlt években

Nem… nem unatkoztam. Hogy miket tanultam?

Gondolkodj… dönts… cselekedj… és kötelezd el magad a döntésed mellett.

Álmodj, higgy és vizualizálj fáradhatatlanul.

Tedd meg még azt a kis dolgot, amit már nem akarsz, az fogja a legtöbb eredményt hozni.

A lehetetlen az elménkben létezik, szavaink és gondolataink lehetnek a legnagyobb korlátaink.

A legnehezebb azoknak tanácsot adni, akiket szeretsz.

Singapore amúgy egy nagyon vicces hely. A high-tech csodaváros, ahol minden kényelmes, minden az emberekért van és mindennek megvan a maga helye és rendszere.

Singapore az a hely, ahol nem rágóznak az emberek…

Ahol a lázadó fiatalok cigiznek és zenét hallgatnak a lépcsőn ülve, ahelyett, hogy szemeteskukákat gyújtogatnának vagy apró darabokra törnének egy metro szerelvényt.

Ahol, „nem hagyjuk ott a squash ütőnk tokját, mert az közterület”. Nyád…

Ahol az emberek vigyázba állnak, mert bemondják az ünnepségen, hogy álljanak fel, mert jön a himnusz, de nem ülnek le utána, mert azt már nem mondják be.

Ahol 2300 Ft egy pohár sör, de 100.000 alatt kapsz Iphonet.

Ahol két bevásárlóközpont a föld alatt össze van kötve egy bevásárló alagút komplexummal. Aminek ha bármelyik pontján letesznek, nem jutsz ki és éhen halsz.

Ahol a lakótelep egy sikeres koncepció, graffitik, pisi szagú liftek és gangek nélkül.

Ahol az emberek büszkék, mégis tudják hogy valami hiányzik…

Ahol bármelyik hétvégén mesés helyekre mehetsz nyaralni.

Ahol az emberek sokszínűsége gyönyörködtet.

Singapore az, ahol megvalósítom az álmaimat…

Végül szeretném ezt a kis filmet, gondolat indítónak, élmény összefoglalónak és köszönet gyanánt azoknak ajánlani, akik támogattak engem az elmúlt időszakban.

Tartsatok velem álmaim útján ezen a blogon!

For the end and to introduce the previous post here is a small video I made about my past 3 months:

China in a Nutshell

Most of my greatest ideas come suddenly. So right now I decided to bring on blogging, I started in Sri Lanka and continued after. This time the target group is wider, I will also write in English. My purpose is to inspire my dear readers through my thoughts and experience. I recommend this blog to anyone who dares to have adventure in his or her mind.

Being in Doha I dont have anything to do but starting this blog offline. Especially because the girl at the counter said that if I dont have internet on the wifi network I have already caught, I should just move to another location. Right. Anyway, the past moths were though for me. Striving for dreams are never easy, but here I come Singapore.

I was so proud of myself, I could pack all my life in 2 bags 33 kgs. The travel agency gave me a paper (which also signed) saying I have 30 kgs. So I was happy about that. Well, on the airport I was told I have 20 kgs. 1 kg from Vienna to Singapore costs 47 Euro. 47 x 13 is much higher than my whole ticket. :) But apparently I could negotiate with Austrians as well and I had to pay only 5 kgs. Anyway it was a huge amount so it was just bothering me. I called the agency and they were amazingly helpful. They admit their mistake and they we willing to pay back the money we paid for the overweight. Good start. Anyway, guys when someone says „Good morning” just take a look out the window if its night or not…

The trip was long. I was sleeping and watching movies. The transit at Doha was long and no Internet. The burger was super expensive and not so good. But the time passed relatively fast.

A legtöbb jó elhatározásom és ötletem hírtelen jött. Szóval most elhatároztam, hogy továbbviszem, amit Lankán és azon túl elkezdtem. Ezúttal két nyelven. Célom, hogy gondolataimmal, tapasztalataimmal inspiráljam a megbecsült olvasókat. Ajánlom mindenkinek, aki mer kalandozni gondolatban.

Tehát most éppen azzal a bizonyos fémmel (rézzel) szeretkezem a Dohai reptéren. Nagyon elfoglal ez a tevékenység, ezért határoztam úgy, hogy hasznosra veszem a figurát és írok pár sort. Nem akarok panaszkodni az elmúlt időszakról, de több frontján az életemnek elég nehéz volt. Elég sok kitartásra volt szükségem és még van is. Minden esetre elkötelezett vagyok a céljaim és álmaim irányába… Singapore vár reám. óóó yeah.

Nagyon büszke voltam magamra, mert 2 táskába sikerült pontosan 33 kilónyi anyagot összepakolnom, ami ugyebár elég jónak számít több évre barátok közt is. Abból indultam ki, hogy az utazási irodába azt mondták, hogy akkor 30 kiló és utána alá is íratták velem azt a papírt, amire a 30 kiló van írva. Na, hát az bizony nem úgy volt, hanem úgy, hogy 20 kiló. Had tájékoztassalak benneteket, hogy Bécsből Singaporeba egy azaz 1 kg túlsúlyért 47 Eurót kell fizetni… nekem 13 kiló volt. Az többe kerül, mint a repülőjegyem cak um pakk. HÁH. Bevetettem a boci szemeket, így csak 5 kilót kellett volna kifizetnem (nézd már lehet alkudozni még a osztrákokkal is), de még mindig igen csak piszkálta a csőrömet a történet, ezért felhívtam az irodát. Le a kalappal előttük, beismerték a hibájukat és visszatérítik a 207 Euró. Tehát így indult… komolyan mondom, ha azt mondják jó reggel nézzetek ki, hogy milyen napszak van. :P

Az út picit fárasztó volt, videóztam meg aludtam. A Dohai reptéren soknak tűnt a transit. Egyrészt marha drága nem tudom milyen burgert ettem vacsira, ami közel sem volt olya jó, min amilyen magas volt az ára. Másrészt, a wifi nem működött. Egy darabig próbálkoztam ilyen luxus váró mellől lopni, de ott sem működött. A csel az egészben az volt, hogy maga a wifi hálózat működött és mindenhol elérhető volt, lehetett csatlakozni… csak épp internet nem jött rajta. Nem jött fel semmi bejelentkező képernyő semmi… egyszerűen nem volt net. A segítőkész reptéri információs lány közölte, hogy mennyek arrébb, ott szokott lenni internet. Jó! :)


Arriving to Singapore the little girl was waiting for me. She helped me a lot in the beginning with getting around, meeting those people I was supposed to meet and again I had an exciting „hide and seek at the university where my stay was not totally legal. :)

The climate hit my head a bit, but I was in good caring hands…

Megérkezvén a kicsi lány már várt rám. Segített az elején az akklimatizálódásban, hogy megtaláljam a helyes utat, hogy tudjak találkozni azokkal, akikkel sikerült találkozót egyeztetnem otthonról, valamint nem utolsó sorban megint izgalmasat bújócskáztam az egyetem való nem éppen legális tartózkodásom során.

A kíma eléggé megütött, sokáig csak kovályogtam… de jó kezekben voltam.


During these 2 months, every time we actually traveled (so we went from point A to B) we always had some challenges to take. But eventually we were always successful. Though our biggest enemy is still time. :P

Well we simply missed the bus to Melaka by 7 minutes. I was even running up the stairs with around 40kgs, but still, that damn thing didnt wait. Anyway, we took the next one and comfortably arrived to Melaka.

I booked a hostel in Melaka and the owner offered to pick us up from the station. Sounded a bit suspicious, but turned out that he was one of the friendliest and most hospitable person during the whole trip. We got a full air-conditioned room with AC and double bed for the price of a dorm bed, because we were the 1st guests in the hostel. They guided us around the city by car, invited us for dinner and introduced us the local culture. They even helped me to organize a rooftop, starlight dinner for the birthday girl. Amazing people, I will go back to visit them for sure.

We didnt want to leave them but Kuala Lumpur was calling. We were staying at a couch surfers place. It was damn difficult to find, we could meet him only for 30 minutes, but the room was looking at the Petronas Towers. He was a doctor, he shared interesting stories about Malaysian and Chinese. Next morning after having some back ache because of the hard floor we charged the Petronas Towers. Unfortunately we could get it… sooo many people. Anyway we rewarded ourselves a small nap in one of the parks close by, which turned out to be really comfortable.

A 2 hónap alatt az utazás során minden egyes alkalommal meg kellett küzdenünk valami kihívással, amikor A pontból B pontban mentünk. Kezdésnek konkrétan lekéstük a Melakába tartó buszt. Kb 6-7 perccel. Pedig a végén már legalább 40 kiloval rohantam fel a lépcsőn. No nem baj, a következővel kényelmesen odaértünk.

A hostel tulaja, amit lefoglaltam előző nap gyanúsan barátságos volt, mondta, hogy kijön értünk a buszhoz. Végeredményben az egyik legbarátságosabb, legvendégszeretőbb embert ismertünk meg személyében az utunk során. Az egyedüli és az első vendégek voltunk a vadi új hostelben, így 2 ágy áráért egy külön légkondis szobát kaptunk. Ezen kívül körbevittek minket a városban kocsival, meghívtak vacsorára és még háztetős, csillagos vacsorát is segítettek szervezni a születésnaposnak. Fantasztikus emberek, biztos vissza fogok menni meglátogatni őket.

Fájó szívvel hagytuk ott őket, de Kuala Lumpur hívogatott. Egy couch surfernél laktunk, elég nehezen találtuk meg a lakást, de végül sikerült. A srác orvos volt, körülbelül 30 percet tudtunk beszélgetni, mert késő volt, de igen érdekes embert ismertünk meg személyében. A szobánkan konkrétan nem volt semmi csak a padló, de legalább a Petronas Tornyokra nézett az ablak.

Másnap reggel megrohamoztuk a tornyokat, de a korai kelés ellenére sikertelenül… aznapra az összes jegy elkelt. Sebaj Tóbiás egy a reptérhez közeli parkban tartottunk délutáni sziesztát.


Arriving at night the taxis asked for gold bars to take us to the city, so we decided to accept one of the security guys help. He arranged us to one of his friends hostel close to the airport. It was a really interesting experience for me. We felt like the owners have just left the room half an hour before our arrival. They changed the bed sheets, cleaned the toilet, left all the personal belongings in the drawers. We even found Chinese pirate porn… :P The „Internet” was provided through a cable which was thrown over the window from the next room. Hot water was in containers, the water came from a tube. But we enjoyed. :)

The next day we travelled to city, our host couch surfer was a really interesting guy. He was young, but he owned a small fast food place and already working on his business selling clothes. Pretty cool guy. We stayed on a mattress in the living room. It was comfortable. The city was amazing. I have the best memories about this city in China. Beautiful parks over a gorgeous lake, travel by bike. Simply beautiful and good. Spending there only 3 days was not enough.

Éjjeli érkezés, a városba nem lehet bemenni csak aranyáron taxival. Az egyik biztonsági őr ismerőse elvitt minket valami közeli hostelbe, aminek elfogadható ára volt. Számomra ez jó élmény volt. Olyan érzésünk volt, mintha fél órával az érkezésünk előtt, még éltek a szobában, aztán gyorsa kizavarták őket és kitakarítottak, mert hogy vendégek jöttek. Személyes tárgyak, a fiókokban szétszórva.. még kínai kalóz pornót is találtunk. Az internetet úgy kaptuk, hogy a szomszéd szobából átdobták a kábelt az ablakon. Meleg víz ilyen tároló edényekben volt csak, zuhanyrozsa helyett csak egy cső. De jó volt… :)

Másnap bevetettük magunkat a városba, a szállásadó couchsurfer nagyon jó fej srác. Fiatal, kész üzletember. Saját kis gyorsbüféje van és internetes boltja is. A nappaliban aludtunk egy matracon. Kényelmes volt. Maga a város gyönyörű. Bennem a legjobb nyomokat hagyta. Biztos hogy vissza akarok menni. Hatalmas tó, gyönyörű parkok, biciglizni lehet, mint Hollandiában. Egyszerűen szép és jó. Nem volt elég az ott töltött 3 nap.


All together we nearly stayed 2 weeks in Shanghai. Nice and livable city. Its alive and there is a lot to see. We stayed at our dear friends relatives place in a traditional Japanese built wooden house. We had a tiny room and a tiny bed, but love was surrounding us so it was nice. Aunty and uncle were really nice to us. We saw traditional Chinese market, great shopping centers, sightseeing spots. We have been to the highest skyscraper that tourists can visit.

We even visited the world expo. We spent 3 days there. Honestly, it worths to go only because it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. But even today I cannot really figure it out why the hell did I queue 2 x 3.5 hours, just to see a pavilion in a rush for 20 minutes after. The Hungarian pavilion was not a big deal. But I do see valid point why it DID worth it. I realized what crowd really means. There are A LOT OF PEOPLE IN CHINA. Daily there were around half a million people visiting the expo.

We also visited a small ancient town close to Shanghai. It was called Xi-Tang. It was really nice, like Venice in China. Some emotional shadows were disturbing us but objectively seeing this is another place where I really want to come back.

Több darabban majdnem 2 hetet töltöttünk el a nagyvárosban. Szép, jó, élhető város. Nyüzsög, él és bőven van mit nézni. Egy hagyományos japán építésű faházban éltünk egy parányi szobában egy parányi ágyon. De körül vett minket a szeretet. Házigazdáink tüneményesek voltak.

Láttunk hagyományos kínai városrészt, hatalmas shopping centereket, turisztikai látványosságokat. Voltunk fent a világ egyik legmagasabb turisták számára elérhető felhőkarcolójában.

Láttuk a világkiállítást. Összsesen 3 napot töltöttünk ott. Őszintén szólva, azért érte csak meg, mert ilyen élménye általában egyszer van az embernek. Szép volt, jó volt, de a mai napig nem tudom pontosan megmagyarázni magamnak, hogy miért álltam 2x 3.5 órát sorba, hogy 20 perc alatt megnézzek egy paviliont. A magyar pavilion nem volt nagy durranás. Azért talán megérte a dolog, hogy sikerült megértenem, hogy mint jelent az IGAZI tömeg. És hogy Kínában valóban baromira sok ember van. Napi fél millió látogatója volt az exponak.

Meglátogatunk egy kis közeli ősi városkát is. Xi-Tang nak hívják. Nagyon tetszett, olyan mint valami kis Velence kínában. Sajnos érzelmi dolgok beárnyékolták, de egy másik hely, ahová biztosan visszamegyek egy nap.

All together we nearly stayed 2 weeks in Shanghai. Nice and liveably city. Its alive and there is a lot to see. We stayed at our dear friends relatives place in a traditional Japanese built wooden house. We had a tiny room and a tiny bed, but love was surrounding us so it was nice. Aunty and uncle were really nice to us. We saw traditional chinese market, great shopping centres, sightseeing spots. We have been to the highest skyscreeper that toursits can visit.

We even visited the world expo. We spent 3 days there. Honestly, it worths only because its a once in a lifetime opportunity. But even today I cannot really figure it out why the hell did I queue 2 x 3.5 hours, just to see a pavilion in a rush for 20 minutes after. The Hungarian pavilion was not a big deal. But I do see valid point why it DID worth it. I realized what crowd really means. There are A LOT OF PEOPLE IN CHINA. Daily there were around half a million people visiting the expo.

We also visited a small ancient town close to SHanghai. It was called Xi-Tang. It was really nice, like Venice in China. Some emotional shadows were disturbing us but objectivly seeing this is another place where I really want to come back.


The city of parks. The parks are really nice, the couch surfer with whom we stayed was an interesting personality. I was glad to get to know him. In the old times there were some crazily rich people owning huuuge gardens. Suzhou is also one of the nicest cities I have been to.

A parkok városa, ahogy mondták. Valóban szép parkok voltak a couchsurfer, akinél voltunk egy igen érdekes jellem. Örülök, hogy megismertem. Őrület, hogy a régi időkben milyen fényűző kerteket építettek egy-egy embernek. A top kínai városok között van, amikben jártam.


Jinny’s hometown. We flew from Shanghai using domestic airlines. About 50 minutes before the flight we were standing in front of the check-in counter, where we were told that our ticket doesnt exist. After 10 minutes of argument we went to another terminal and our reservation suddenly appeared. But we still didnt have any seats on the plane. We were told to wait for the next plane. This phenomenon is called over sales and it’s common in China. The purpose is to sell more tickets than the actual number of seats speculating that some people will be late. Great. We were offered along with a Chinese family to be taken another city close to our destination and we get the train ticket as „compensation”. F*ck you… I told the guy that so he can prepare his speech to my Embassy because my visa is going to expire and I cannot leave the country because of his company. Well. After 6 hours of waiting we were flying to Chongqing, Jinny accepted a compensation which was about 1.5 times more than the original ticket, I didnt accept because I wanted to sew them. In Chongqing we found it out that it doesnt worth to sew them… its just too common in china and there is a small gate in the law allowing this. Anyways, I managed to get my part of compensation from the company as well and I learned a lot from this. Welcome to the modern China :P

Jinny’s parents were wonderful people. All her relatives were really friendly and hospitable. They helped me a lot, I really enjoyed staying there for 3 weeks. I got to know a smoggy, crowded big city with a lot of hot food and girls and this city has its own beauty…

Jinny szülővárosa. Shaghaiból repültünk egy belföld légitársasággal. Körülbelül 50 perccel a járat indulása előtt a check-in nél álltunk, amivel nem is lett volna probléma, csak éppen közölték velünk, hogy nincs meg a helyünk. Körülbelül 10 perces balhé után egy másik terminálnál már megvolt a jegyünk, de hát sajnos hely már akkor sem volt a gépen. Közölték, hogy várnunk kell a következőre. A jelenség neve overselling. Egyszerüen arról szól, hogy több jegyet adnak el, mint amennyi hely van a gépen és arra spekulálnak, hogy valaki majd lekési. Hát most nem késte le senki. Velünk volt még egy kínai család is. Végül egy másik közeli városba akartak minket elreptetni, majd „kártérítés” címszóval kifizetni a vonatjegyet abból a városból Chongqingbe. Hát ló*aszt. Mondtam az ürgének, hogy lejár a vízumom, minden el van tervezve, ő fog a követséggel beszélni? Na erre megenyhült. Végül 6 órával később ültünk a repülőn a megfelelő városba. Jinny több kártérítést kapott, mint a jegy ára. Én nem fogadtam el, mert be akartam perelni őket. Fel is kerestünk egy ügyvéd irodát, akik szépen türelmesen elmondták, hogy rohadtul de nem éri meg… hát ez van, legalább megpróbáltam. Minden esetre utólag kivertem belőlük a kártérítést nekem is. Ez a kínai modern gazdaság… :)

Jinny szülei tüneményesek voltak. Le a kalappal az összes rokona igazán vendégszerető volt. Sokat segítettek, jól éreztem magam abban a 3 hétben. Megismertem egy igen smogos, nyüzsgős nagyvárost, aminek megvan a maga bája és rengeteg a jó nő.


The Chongqing-Chengdu train we didnt miss… we were given the tickets for the wrong day :P So again we spent a couple of hours on the station and after that on the slow train listening to all the sales people selling so many bullshit.

The relatives in Chengdu were also really friendly and hospitable. They helped a lot and we could spend the last week of our trip in a real palace.

Chengdu for me is similar to Chongqing with less hills. We visited the world’s biggest Panda reservation. I think these creatures were created with the pure purpose of being adored by humans. I still dont believe how cute they are. We just wanted to hug them :)

After a hurting good bye in Chengdu I suddenly found myself in Boca’s living room watching the World Cup in English this time, starting a new life.

A Chongqing – Chengdu vonatot nem késtük le, csupán az volt a probléma, hogy rossz napra adták a jegyet… így hát megint eltöltöttünk pár órát az állomáson, majd a vonaton is, mert a lassu vonattal sikerült mennünk. A ráérő időnkben hallgathattuk az értékesítési szövegeket. Szerintem még egérszart is megpróbálta ránk sózni. :)

A rokonok Chengduban ugyan csak nagyon rendesek voltak. Sokat segítettek és igen szép palotában lakhattunk az utolsó egy hétben.

A város számomra hasonlított Chongqingre attól eltekintve, hogy nem voltak hegyek. Viszont megnéztük a világ egyik legnagyobb panda rezervátumát. Azokat az állatokat azért hozta létre Isten, hogy az emberek gögyögjenek hozzájuk. Hihetetlen, hogy milyen aranyosak. Meg lehet őket zabálni.

Chenduban fájdalmas búcsú és mire felocsudtam már a Bocáéknál néztük a WB immár nem kínaiul egy új élet peremén.

Random pictures from the trip:

Random képek az útról:

Sunday, May 9, 2010

I know what to do on the brink of starting a new life...

Inspire and be inspired!

The mighty immortals in mythology envy us. All of us... because we can live each and every moment of our life in a vivid, colorful way.
All the joy, suffering, beauty... give spice to our lives making it more delicious.
We can live every moment as the last, so we can take the most out of it.
We don't have everything granted, so we can strive to reach more, better.

With every thought we can be more...
With every decision we can be better...
With every action we can be greater...

Let's strive for more, be better and do something great!

Thank you...

Monday, September 28, 2009

Being serious


Okey. I got this feedback recently which made me think. (Im grateful for it)

"You are too serious"

I got this before but that time I though - oh great... I like it... -
I dont like it anymore, it must be at last by some extent true. I must behave in a more serious way. Yes now also a lot of people think its not a problem, but I simply know that hey... its just not me.

I don't wanna be serious, I wanna be childish, playful, cheerful and funny.

It made me think. People tend to get serious by getting older. So they think that being serious comes with being adult. thats bullshit. okey if you are something like 70 you have to be more serious because you cannot just run around naked on a square or something like that. But come on, we are between 20 and 30. Phisycally we are in our best age...
I tell you what, we get more serious because we get more responsibility from life. Responsibility towards ourselves, towards our tasks (work) and towards other people. This increased responsbility creates a reaction that makes us behave in a more serious way.

But why?

If you have more responsibility, you have to be more responsible and not more serious! Is this some kind of natural reaction that comes with responsibility? "Adults do it and we mimic? Its even integrated to the society and its in our mindset (another paradigm).

If you dont behave seriously, you are automaticly considered to be childish and irresponsible...

I say this is bullshit! Fight against it! Be cheerful, enjoy life and be responsible!

"You dont stop playing because you get older, but you get old because you stop playing."

be good and playful


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The world around us

Recently I heard an interesting story.

Mr X was getting better in his career and now thinking to buy a car. His friend called him, offering him a new car, a gold-metal Mercedes. When he saw it, he just loved it. It was gorgeous for him, he has never seen such car in his life before. So he bought it.

Happily driving home he just noticed another golden Mercedes on the road, and another, and another… they were everywhere…

The thing is, that there were golden Mercedes cars on the road even before he bought his own, he just couldn’t see those because his mind was not “calibrated” to pay attention on those. He didn’t have the brain cells to notice them, to process them. They were irrelevant for him because he thought, they were not in his reach.

Each day we process millions of effects from the environment around us. How much do we see? How much do we let ourselves see? How much do we want to see? What do we filter out consciously or either unconsciously?

Another example, which is more unbelievable is that Cuban Indians on the beach didn’t see Colombus’ ships coming, they saw only the rifts on the ocean surface. They should have seen the ships but they didn’t because they have never seen anything like a huge Victorian ship from that age so they couldn’t imagine it, in addition they didn’t except anything like that.

I saw a film on Discovery channel a few days back about ancient Egypt. Those guys were one of the 1st civilization of men-kind. The film pointed out some interesting facts. (lets not consider any alien interaction or any myths about the way the pyramids were built.)

There was a nation living in almost dessert, having only 1 river. They raised up by building pyramids, and by crating the society which is be able to build up pyramids.

They gave us one of the earliest good examples, they left behind a legacy for thousands of years. A Nation that built its legacy.

After this people just went for war as legacy.

Anyway I think we really have to look around for examples about this topic. Look for the invisible things. Look for the impossible things. Look for things we want even if they do not exist (or do they?).

Got my point? :)

Well, it’s a bit “darkish” but I feel like pasting it here:

I can see what you see not

Vision milky then eyes rot

When you turn they will be gone

Whispering their hidden song.

Then you see what cannot be

Shadows move where light should be

Out of darkness, out of mind

Cast down into the Halls of the Blind.

Be good!


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Start of the Journey...


New life, new blog, big words :)

Anyway, I dedicate this blog for those who are interested in my Journey of finding my way and realizing my dreams. Im going to share stuff happened to me, my thoughts and my learnings.
I believe this is going to be useful for myself, since

“there is a magical bond between our mind and hands, as we write down our thoughts and dreams they somehow come true…”

I noticed it on myself that it is somehow true, while I was writing down things in Sri Lanka I also put down some statements… well most of them came through. So I’m going to continue that.
This blog is also useful for all the people around my age since right now working and learning in an environment which is really energetic, motivating and brings me the right attitude to live a successful life on every field. Still, I do read other people’s blog and I find that you can actually learn a lot from other perspectives.
So learn from my mistakes, learn from my perspectives! :)

Im going to write in English. By this I exclude my relatives and some of their friends, but still…

So my previous blog was:
still in Hungarian, but for some people it can be really useful.

So, what happened to me since I arrived home to Hungary from Sri Lanka?
Well, quite a lot.

• I work for a guy who help other people to make their business dreams come true and this work has the most influence on my life right now
• I somehow reintegrated to the Hungarian culture slowly
• My Chinese girlfriend came, stayed for 2.5 months and left – hard stuff
• In 2009 I visited 9 countries: Sri Lanka, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Polland, Italy, Austria, Holland, Belgium
• I met a lot of interesting people…

Well Im not going to detail these things down, probably some of them might be interesting but as always I’d like to stick to “what happening right now”.

Just imagine, there is a cowboy at your back, wearing a black hat, jeans and he really looks like a cowboy, blue eyes like Eastwood, you know that this guy is like your mentor, he is a good person, he wants to help you. This guy is pointing a gun at your head asking...

“What do you really want?!”

Well, I’m not the 1st and not the last to discuss this questions and there are people who built business empires around this questions. Just to mention one. The Secret

Still, I think most of the things start here. Okey, everything starts here. In the past months I changed a lot, some people might have noticed but now I’m pretty sure about it. It was a conscious change. In my daily routine, my habits, my thoughts, my attitude, in the way I behave. I did these because I learnt a lot and agreed that these things (and a lot more that I’m still going to introduce into my life) are important to live a successful and happy life.

But right now after I stated to walk on a path I have to stop just for a while and ask again: Jaq, what do you really want?!

Last week I was in the Netherlands. Kisses to those Dutch people, they are friendly and with all their scheduled, regulated way of thinking I love them :), but the main attraction of their country for a 25 years old guy are light drug and sex. So somewhere between X and Y last week I received a lot of input from the environment: discussions with foreigners from all over the world, thinking about the girl who had to leave me, enjoying the Dutch culture ^^, partying a lot, moving from city to city almost every day and sleeping in a different bed etc…
All these things led me to reaize that somehow in the past months though I did a lot of stuff right, I did something wrong. I was open waiting for opportunities telling myself that yeah I’m going to grab them as they come. And then I was waiting for them. Okey, some came… Still, this is not the right thing to do, this in not the answer for the question above or it is gonna take years to bring the answer.

Right now I do believe that the answer is the idea that doesn’t let me be for almost years now. Something to do with marketing and psychology, the 2 things I dug myself in the deepest so far.
I want to study and research on this field. I want to do it to develop something, to come up with something new and to do business out of it.

I’m still at the beginning, I have this path looming in front of me but it’s still blur. I need to collect information, I should not be afraid of obstacle since THERE ARE GOING TO BE, I need to find a mentor, I need to win my current mentors support, I have to sacrifice on the way, I have to set smaller milestones as the picture gets clearer and recognize myself when reaching them, I have to learn and develop, I need help…

Follow me on my journey!



Tuesday, March 17, 2009

New blog, new life?

Hey I started this in english to be able to share those things that come out of my mind with more ppl.

I'll write something "deep" soon.
